Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Christian unity in China

Ralph Covel, a missionary to China after WWII, explains why he doesn't want China to "open" to Western missionaries. Apparently, they're doing fine without us, being led by God. They don't have to deal with criticisms that Christianity is western. And - get this - he says they don't have schisms or separate denominations as the West.

We American Christians have a lot to learn from our Chinese brethren about unity. It is humiliating to the Church, and thus humiliating to Christ who deserves a single holy and spotless bride, that the church is split into multiple dozens of competing groups. It is humiliating that God's one eternal, never-changing Word is sold in dozens of different flavors.

We have one Lord, one faith, one baptism, people. Take a cue from our brothers in China. Go worship with another local group this Sunday. You don't have to become a member; you don't have to agree with all of their petty differences. Just prove that you are their brother or sister, worshipping the same God and Savior.

disclaimer: I don't consider all denominations listed in the above directories to be following Christ.


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