Saturday, November 20, 2004

David Sessions and fashion

Check out a friend's tips for avoiding ugly dressing. Homeschoolers, especially, can always use these reminders.

David's seven fashion nevers for girls

David's seven fashion nevers for guys

I'd point out my personal pet peeve with girls' fashion: unnecessary makeup - which is to say, most makeup. First, I quote David (or his female sources):

On makeup

“Nothing is evil in moderation. Let's do our part and make ourselves at least bearable to male eyes; after all, do you really want all those husband prospects wandering off in desperation to search for more attractive spouse material? BAG YOUR HUSBANDS BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!”

(In other words, you should wear AT LEAST SOME makeup. Otherwise, your chances of marrying go at least slightly down. Maybe you don’t want to get married…in that case, well, it’s nice of you wear it anyway.)

“When putting on foundation, let’s try to avoid the ‘somebody baked a cake on my face’ look.”

(So…you see that you have to wear some, but, it’s important, don’t wear TOO MUCH or you just look ridiculous.)

Kenneth and I think that girls look good without makeup, and that makeup is generally unnecessary, and even counterproductive. To quote our comments to David's post:

why do girls alway pull out that "well we at least need to look like normal human beings! (or "bearable in male eyes as your example says)"? it makes absolutely no sense to me. isn't that some kind of fallacy? "ok, i need to make myself look normal by putting stuff on my face that isn't normally there." and why do they think they look somehow abnormal of unbearable to begin with? and another thing: the whole husband argument isn't such a good one. a guy with any brains at all is going to know that he's going to have to see you every morning when you wake up without makeup. so, if you want a smart guy, you better make sure you look good without makeup on. you're only shooting yourself in the proverbial foot if you always wear makeup.

I agree, Kenneth. Makeup -can- be good in moderation, but in my opinion is usually unnecessary and often even unhelpful. And too much makeup (ugh), which is dreadfully common here, is far worse than no makeup at all.


Blogger David said...

Hey, thanks for advertising my blog :-D

I don't know. Actually, too much makeup doesn't bother me that much, so I think too much is better than none. Of course, if you're REALLY beautiful (like my sister, for example) you are still so without makeup.

Nov 20, 2004, 1:12:00 PM  
Blogger Derby said...

Here's C.S. Lewis's opinion on the matter:

Lady, a better sculptor far
Chiselled those curves you smudge and mar,
And God did more than lipstick can
To justify your mouth to man.

I really think that all young ladies are good looking without makeup. Makeup can be beneficial, but I can't remember a time when I realized someone was wearing makeup and thought she looked better for it. Perhaps my rule of thumb would be "if you can tell you're wearing makeup, it's too much."

Is there a better term than "girl" for my peers of the opposite sex? "Young lady" sounds detached. "Lady" doesn't sound right; "woman" makes them sound old, and some are really too young to be described as a woman.

Nov 20, 2004, 5:52:00 PM  
Blogger Derby said...

But how do you refer to a group?

Nov 21, 2004, 2:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kenneth: We are not amused. (not sure why i used the plural, but it sounded better...)

To all gentlemen discussing the pro's and con's of girls with v. girls with out makeup: our goal (at least, my own and that of my room - mates) is to use make up to define and highlight whatever features we were born with, and so draw attention away from those with which we were burdened. :-) We try to avoid the mask effect... but often we fail. Please forgive us...

Oh... and *girls* is preferable to all names that certain *ahem, Kenneth* people like to force on us. Derby, *young ladies* makes me feel like I'm walking in a Jane Austin novel...

Nov 28, 2004, 10:45:00 PM  
Blogger Derby said...

Thank you, Heather. I'm afraid it is actually I who must ask for forgiveness from you and -girls- in general, as I came down a bit hard on the makeup issue. I had just recently seen an unnamed freshman who normally doesn't wear makeup, and looks very nice without it, but had put some on and it didn't look very good.

We guys have never had to try to use makeup to hide any "blemishes" while not looking like I put too much on, so let's not be too critical about this, or any other fashion issue.

Nov 29, 2004, 2:08:00 AM  

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