Friday, February 25, 2005

Communism or competition?

Wired's Lawrence Lessig joins the cry against banning municipalities from offering communications services.

He argues that the big telecos have their own priorities to providing high-speed internet, and if communities don't want to wait ten years or more to get high-speed wireless internet, they might want to do it themselves.

Unfortunately, several states are (at the behest of the telecos) banning their communities from doing this. Good grief, says Lessig - they offer lighting and road services, why not wireless internet, if the taxpayers desire it? This is providing competition for the telcos, and encouraging them to get on the ball.

Any responses?

Monday, February 21, 2005

The Stanley Cup should still be awarded...

...even if the NHL won't be playing. The Cup was around before the NHL even existed, and still probably isn't legally in the control of the NHL. Several minor and non-pro leagues are playing this season. You could get some sweet hockey action going on if you play the champions from these different leagues.

For more information, check out the Free Stanley website.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Home school or public school - which is superior?

Captain Awesome's blog is one of the better ones out there for general reading. It's entertaining, yet makes some pretty good points. Here is a recent post I enjoyed detailing problems with students in both public and home schools.

In Defense of my Kind

One of the favorite pass times of kids who were or are home schooled is to make fun of those children who are attending public school for being dumb. This is actually terribly ironic as it is the public schooler’s pass time to make fun of home schoolers for being too smart. Having been on both sides of the fence, I find it my responsibility to make fun of both parties for being retarded each in their own special way.

Read the rest of the post