Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Negative on the Russia dealio

Ya durachil vas, in English, means "I fooled you."

No one in Russia wants me to teach Russian to Russian kids. I wish it had been true, really. It would have rocked, and I hope to teach overseas some day. Thanks for the well-wishes, I appreciated them.

Props to Beth C and Kassie for not buying my story.

And special recognition to Jonathan Cannone, who was fooled in 2005 when I announced that my mother was expecting triplets. Don't get fooled again, Jon. It's more than a song, it's a way of life.


Sunday, April 01, 2007

Moving to St. Pete's, RU!

Some of you know that I've been studying Russian for the past year. Well, I've been looking for an opportunity to put my new skills to good use and see an awesome part of the world.

So I applied a couple weeks ago to the Eurolingua Institute, and have been accepted to teach with them next year! Here's my new job description.

While they haven't told me for sure where they will place me, the lady who I talked with (Lirpa Solovyava, in charge of recruiting and placement) said there was a good chance that I'd be near St. Petersburg, working as part of a new government project to combat illiteracy in rural children. Because children there usually have to work on their family farms and can't regularly attend school, almost 35% of the rural population are classified as illiterate when they reach adulthood. So I'll be teaching them to read and write Russian.

The job will last for a year, this August through next July, after which I will come back and lay down some pwnage on anyone who wants to play me in chess. And perhaps anyone who wants to try to outdrink me.. just kidding. I'll tell you more specific dates, where I'll be, etc. as I find out.

не верьте этому!

(posted late.. I first posted this on xanga and myspace at the date below. It is now 4/3, at the same time)
